Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Kaos Joker’s Adventure on: Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme Ledgends (The Complete edition)

Dynasty Warriors, a game were you play as an over the top Chinese historical figure and take on an army of hundreds of enemies in over the top Japanese style anime combat. The game is a third person hack and slash set in china. As i said, you take the role of a Chinese warrior and help take over china, please the Emperor or just kill a massive army, all depending on the game mode you choose to play.

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There are a ton of characters to choose from with over 1200 different weapons with randomly generated abilities, so no two plays will have all the same weapon. The is also six rather long campaigns were you aid one of the great clans to take over china, a free mode were you can play older missions or play completely random mission just for the hell of it and also a Ambition mode were you must win missions to upgrade yourt village to attract the atention of the emperor and win him to your side. With so much to do, this game can last much longer then most others. 

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The one main problem i have with the game is the controls. It is obviously a game built for a console, not a PC, but being a fan of Dynasty Warriors and now a pure PC gamer, i have missed this game so much. I must say i am disappointed with the controls. When not played with a controller, the game uses purely the key board, meaning wasd to move and the arrow keys to look around not to mention all of the attack keys, calling your horse, commanding your generals are all awkward keys. Now if you get a controller, ity makes it much better but only after you rebind every thing. 

Another problem i could see is the way the missions seem to be the same over and over again. You spawn, run into a crowd and kill them, fight the boss or run away and go into the next mission to do the same again. But saying that i don't mind doing it. Not sure why as im the kind of person who only completes games once. There just seems to be something that makes me want to play more and there is nothing more satisfying then hitting a 1000 k.o.count.

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After the controls are sorted, the game becomes enjoyable again. Especially with all the new features in this game. For example you now give any weapon to any character, meaning you can play that guy who looks awesome wielding your favorite weapon. You can also have pets now that follow you and do things like scare off enemies or regenerate your health.

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The game looks beautiful (my screen shots don't help as i run it on lowest for maximum smoothness). Ok some of the textured i could of done better to be hounest but when your swinging a giant man sized sword, your not looking at the average texture on the foot soldiers. The playable character textures are very nice and the environments are very nice considering the scale of the game and the amount of maps.

They have added a Lu Bu campaign for those Dynasty Warrior fans who want to play as the hardest man ever to exist and his hot daughter, which follows Lu Bu around china as he searches for a place to call his own while cutting down any one in his way, even his own dad!

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Apart from some of the characters looking terrible and the awkwardness of the controls, i love this game. I bought it at full price on release for £30 and I haven't regretted it for a second. I must say though, if you are not a fan of hack and slash games or repeating missions over and over again, then this isn't the game for you. This game was more intended to please fans (well that's how it seems) of the Dynasty Warrior franchise. 

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Thank you for reading and join me next time for another great adventure :)

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